EC2 Instance Storage

EBS Volumes

What’s an EBS Volume?

EBS Volume

Elastic File System

EBS – Delete on Termination Attribute

EBS Snapshots

EBS Snapshots Features

EFS: Elastic File System

Elastic File System

EFS Infrequent Access (EFS-IA)

Amazon FSx – Overview

Amazon FSx for Windows File Server

Amazon FSx for Lustre

EC2 Instance Store

Shared Responsibility Model for EC2 Storage

AWS Responsibilities User Responsibilities
Ensure durability and availability of EBS and EFS storage Back up data via snapshots, EFS replication, etc.
Data replication within the AZ for EBS volumes Manage access and encryption of storage resources
Provide encryption capabilities (KMS integration) Apply encryption for sensitive data at rest
Replacing faulty hardware Responsibility of any data on the drives

AMI Overview

AMI Process (from an EC2 instance)

  1. Launch an EC2 instance.
  2. Configure the instance with applications or settings.
  3. Create an AMI from the running instance, which can be used to launch new EC2 instances with the same configuration.

EC2 Image Builder